It is important to use shared language as Nobles journeys toward greater understanding and action in building a more inclusive, diverse and equitable community. The landscape of language constantly evolves and our understanding of words shift over time, influenced by culture and personal backgrounds and experiences.
Keeping in mind our shared values of respect for self, respect for others and honesty, Nobles' diversity, equity and inclusion department, along with some faculty from the English and history departments, have created this working glossary in partnership with other schools and universities. These key words and phrases (and their definitions) are centered in social justice and serve as starting points for discussions. We do not claim them to be perfect.
This glossary is a work in progress that relies on community insights and input. Please feel free to reach out to the DEI department to discuss and/or to add. Thank you for the work you do and for your support.
From the Nobles DEI mission statement:
The following definitions have been taken from the various websites that we have cited as additional sources. Please use the additional resources to look up more words and/or clarify the following words we have defined.
For more glossaries of terms related to DEI and social justice, please refer to the following schools (high schools, colleges and universities). There are many other glossaries you can choose from, but these have helped guide our own journeys.
Brewster Academy: DEI Glossary of Terms
Lewis and Clark College: The ABCs of Social Justice: Glossary of Working Language for Socially Conscious Conversation
The Rivers School: Shared Understanding and Language
Trevor Project: LGBTQIAAP+ Glossary
University of Massachusetts, Lowell: A Glossary of Working Definitions
AMAZE (Advocates for Youth's YouTube channel, featuring animated videos about sex education)