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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Nobles: Parent/Guardian Resources

A guide to resources for diversity, equity and inclusion at Nobles, including BIPOC student support, opportunities and events

Isioma ChukwuIsioma Chukwu

Parent/Guardian DEI Liaison

Kalpana KamathKalpana Kamath

Parent/Guardian DEI Liaison

Gayatri PradhanGayatri Pradhan

Parent/Guardian DEI Liaison

DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)

Nobles Connect is dedicated to fostering an inclusive community; facilitating communications between parents, guardians, and parental figures with faculty, staff and administration; and providing opportunities for all who parent Nobles students to be involved in the life of our school. All Nobles parents and guardians are automatically members of Nobles Connect.

As DEI Liaisons, our goal is to share information involving DEI initiatives in our community. Coordinating with the Directors of DEI and affinity group leaders, we host speakers and discussions of recommended readings. We hope you will join us for these conversations.

Join Us!

All parents and guardians are warmly invited you to join us for upcoming events where we can learn, discuss, and get to know one another. Please visit the Nobles Connect page on the parent/guardian portal for the most up-to-date information; just click on the image below. (Please note: For security reasons, this requires a current parent/guardian login.)

LGBTQ+ Family Resources for Support

Just Breathe podcastThis list, compiled by Gender and Sexuality Specialist and Library Co-Director Talya Sokoll, includes valuable resources for families looking to support their LGBTQ+ child. Learn more about available programs for both families and children, healthcare, therapeutic support, book recommendations, podcasts, articles, and helplines. 

LGBTQ Family Resources for Parents/Guardians and Families

Learning to Support Our Children

Click on the image below to browse the extensive collection of resources on the Nobles racial justice resource guide that have been specifically selected for parents and guardians.

Racial Justice LibGuide parent-guardian page screenshot

ALANA: Group for Parents and Guardians of Students of Color

ALANA (African/Latinx/Asian/Native American) is Nobles’ group for parents/caregivers of students of color to informally connect with each other and build community. In addition to serving as an affinity space, the meetings provide opportunities to learn more about programs to support students while attending a PWI (predominantly white institution).

ALANA comes together for celebrations and shared experiences at various events throughout the year. Watch for any announcements in the Nobles Connect weekly update in the Head of School newsletter every Thursday!

Cassandra Velazquez: Admission |